Emergency Withdraw

If for any unlikely reason the website is down, do not worry, your staked tokens are safe. Here are instructions on how to proceed with an emergency withdrawal.

Step 1: Go to the MasterChef on the blockchain.

Navigate to the following page and click Contract in the top bar: https://bscscan.com/address/0x8AD17a6f4C56A67744F4F72873F2D4448a3D739E

Step 2: Connect MetaMask.

Click Write Contract and connect to MetaMask by clicking Connect to Web3.

Step 3: Go to section 4.

Scroll down to section 4, where you will be able to see emergencyWithdraw function. In the box there, you will need to specify the pool, from which you want to withdraw your tokens. Here is the list of the pools on the main MasterChef.

Last updated